Tech Stack
React Native, Python, Android
Project Type
Web app, Android, IOS


Tuktu is an on demand support service for everyone - you, your parents, your friends, and your neighbors, anyone who needs a little bit of support. Our innovative AI technology connects you with the ideal local talent, ensuring greater satisfaction at significantly reduced costs.

katana pim

Running Tuktu on Web

A rapidly growing startup with an app built on top of React Native wanted to have an interface where their users could use their service without even installing the application.


The idea was to run the current React native application on web using React Native web. Using react React native web we were able to run the current implementation on web as well.

Challenges; Running some module such as Google maps, Notification turns out to be challenging in it original implementation as it does;t compile on web . Webpack configurations allowed us to replace each naive component with web component.

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